Sunday to Remember

A Sunday to remember, both of my boys got to speak in Sacrament meeting about the blessings of the temple. They both did a great job with the preparation they put on their talks and delivered them with such a sweet spirit. They have set goals to attend the temple often with their friends. It’s always such a sweet feeling to see them come to the temple while I am working there. I am so grateful to see them grow loving the temple as much as I do and have a firm testimony of the Savior and the blessings that they can receive serving in his house of the Lord. It was great to hear how they prepare to attend the temple and remember the legacy of their grandparents sacrifice to be able to be sealed in the temple many years ago. When the boys told me about their talks Isaac was having a hard time. He was very nervous and said that he couldn’t do it. Then he said I can’t talk on Sunday. I said that’s ok that it was his choice and he will miss a good opportunity. I asked him to text and tell the Bishop about it. He didn’t say anything and started working on his talk with a little help if Chris he did such a great job. Jared prepared his talk all by himself and was confident about speaking in sacrament. How much I love my boys and grateful for their obedience of speaking and sharing their testimony.

 Isaac is catching up Jared. Growing so fast I noticed how muy they are eating specially after swim practice they both athletes. They run cross country, swim for highland swim team and run track. I love to get their grades in a envelopes and see all A’s.


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